GCE Results 2018 Cameroon General Certificate of Education released


Last updated on February 14th, 2021 at 04:55 pm

GCE Results 2018 Cameroon General Certificate of Education released

General Certificate Of Education Examination

GCE Results 2018 Cameroon General Certificate of Education released
The GCE Results 2018 Cameroon General Certificate of Education has been released today the 23rd July 2018. At the Ordinary Level and at the Advanced level, 38000 registered, 33037 sat for the exams, 11670 passed giving a percentage of 60.52% at the 2018 General Certificate of Education. Meanwhile, some results have been held by the GCE Board for suspicions of fraud activities until further investigation into this and sorting out the teachers and students who are concerned and laying further measures like banning them for some years. The Technical Ordinary and Advanced Level have also experienced a performance. For The Technical GCE, 3472 candidates registered 2567 wrote and 574 passed with a percentage passed of 65.37% against 54.33% in 2017. Candidates can get their results by SMS or at CRTV as from 8:30.
The results witnessed a drastic drop compared to 2017. The said results will be read throughout the week.
Where some 46000 registered and 43000 sat and those who passed where 29000 giving a percentage passed of 66.52%.

Check O, A Results Online Here.

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⇒Annciennes épreuves de l’examens

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